Celtic Fund
Make a Donation to the Celtic Fund
Make a Donation to the Celtic Fund
We are pleased to announce that we have created the Celtic Fund to be a part of our school's future activities. In the past two years, you are aware that our parish stipend was vastly reduced. During that time, our school administration remained committed to keeping our strong standards of excellence in place and it was necessary to tap into school savings. Now we believe it is time to focus on creating an ongoing fund that will not only assist the school in its operations and future development, but will also help us to offer more tuition assistance, especially to families who would like their children to be a part of our school but who cannot afford to enroll them. We are very committed to continuing to increase attendance at the school through our vibrant marketing plan and social media efforts, and we believe that any family who wants a Catholic education for their children should be able to attend our school. We can think of no better way to teach as Jesus did than by having every child who wants a sound Catholic education become a St. Alphonsus/St. Patrick School student.
Donate Now Through Give Central
Donate Now Through Give Central
Donate Now Through Give Central
Use our direct link to Give Central to donate now!
Please call the school office if you have questions or wish to donate in some other way: 630-783-2220